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Physics Details
Relationship between the hit judgment by the physics engine and the normal attack defense judgment.
- Operates as a completely different system
- Even if the same size hit points are prepared, only one of them may be hit.
- If an attack hit task is made to disappear immediately, it may not be possible to determine the physics calculation.
To avoid, drop the attack flag in the attack hit task and let it disappear after one frame weighting.
If the display is turned off at the same time as the attack flag is dropped, the physics calculations will produce a picture with the angle changed by only one frame.
You can prevent the display of
About Accurate Physical Mode
- Normal movement and rotation panels are not available.
- Control is done in the script's physics panel
- Torque cannot be used together when facing the direction of travel
- There may be other glitches.
Current Constraints
- Children synchronized to the parent's coordinates cannot perform physics operations
- Player options are not physics-capable
- There may be others that can't be done, but unconfirmed.
- Characters synchronized with scrolling appear not to be moving, but they are. This can cause vertically stacked characters to collapse.
- It is not possible to assign shapes to the background (placed one by one as characters by hand)
- Caving in and slipping through cannot be completely controlled
- Characters may be abnormally fast in rare cases