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10.Stage Layout

Keep the project file created in the previous tutorial open

There are two types of parts that can be placed on the stage: characters and formation

There are two methods, time alignment and coordinate alignment, depending on the application
If you want the enemy to appear against the background, you can use coordinate placement

Time Allocation

Open the previously created 'STAGE1' and select the enemy placement tab
Make the overall time 3616 (number of frames)
You can change the current time with the slider at the bottom of the screen

Enable the time placement button in the placement list

Drag and drop 'ENEMY-A' in the project's character list onto the stage
The icon will be placed at the drop location and 'ENEMY-A' will appear in the placement list

You can delete a placed character by selecting a range of icons and then clicking the delete button

Placed icons can be selected and dragged to a range

Coordinate Placement

Enable the coordinate placement button in the placement list

Drag and drop 'TURRET' in the project's character list onto the stage
The icon will be placed at the drop location and 'TURRET' will appear in the placement list

Drag right to scroll, and wheel to zoom in and out for better placement

Test Play

Perform a stage unit test

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