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7. Extend the player

Create appearance and destruction scenes
Keep the project file created in the previous tutorial open

Create an Appearance Scene

Open the previously created character 'TYPE-A' for your ship
Create and register a new one in the script field that was left empty
Script name should be 'TYPE-A'

Script editing and prep

Open the script you just created, resize the panel and set the control field wider

Choose an appropriate size for the number of panels used, as too large a control field will waste memory

Arrange the panels in the task "0:Main" as shown in the figure to the right

Edit the contents of the panel

Turn off the defensive judgment and make it invincible
Turn off the autocontrol and make it inoperable
Move down off the screen and make it stop there
Coordinates are chosen to be specified in absolute coordinates. The top left corner of the screen will be (0,0)
Moving requires at least 1 frame
Move toward the screen and make it stop after moving
The coordinates are chosen to be specified in relative coordinates
It takes 60 frames (1 second) to move
Turn on the autocontrol and allow it to operate
Wait 120 frames (2 seconds) in this state (invincible)
Turn on the defensive judgment and release the invincibility
Stop the task "0: Main" and end the appearance scene

Editing Destruction Task

If you do not create a destruction task, it will disappear as soon as your plane is destroyed
Launch the task again after putting out the explosion effect

Defensive decisions are automatically turned off by the system

Line up the panel in the task "11: Destruction" as shown in the figure to the right

Edit the contents of the panel

Turn off the autocontrol and make it inoperable
Scatter the explosive characters with the shot panel
Launch the task appeared
Finish the destruction task

Test Play

Start the test play to let the enemies get out and hit the enemy bullets and body blows
If it is destroyed and reappears from below, it is complete!

Check the box to see if you are invincible or not
The red rectangle is the offensive call and the light blue rectangle is the defensive call

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